As the saying goes, it’s not always about the destination but the journey to get there. 

One of my passions is discovering those big or small things that influence a couple’s relationship—propelling it forward or stopping it dead in its tracks. 

So often we think—especially when we’re in the thick of things—that it’s too late to change course or that the change is too hard so we don’t even give it a try. 

For couples that are struggling but have committed to forever, red flags might feel like just another challenge to work through—just another part of the journey. 

But what happens when red flags are clues that things aren’t working and that they might never work? 

My guest today, Charlese Latham, experienced red flags from year one in her marriage. And, finally, after 15 years, she left her marriage and started down a new path to self-discovery and purpose. 

In this episode, Charlese shares her story from when she met her now ex-husband to when she decided it was time to leave the relationship.  

After twenty years in the beauty industry, Charlese retired from hair, sold her home, and moved in with family to recover after an emergency back surgery. Charlese is now the CEO and Copywriter at Girl at the Yellow Desk where she helps female coaches launch new programs by creating content for their email marketing and social media. 

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • How Charlese was finally able to extricate herself from a relationship that was no longer serving her spirit in a healthy way
  • The red flags Charlese noticed starting in year one of her 15-year marriage
  • The moment she realized a divorce might be the answer

Learn more about Charlese:

Learn more about Tracey: