What does happily ever after look like for couples when one person is an American citizen and the other is not? And what does the process look like to even get married—whether in the United States or somewhere else in the world? 

When it comes to marriage and immigration into the United States, it’s not so clear cut. 

If you’re in this scenario—either as a U.S. citizen or an immigrant—you might have a number of questions like:

What does having a green card mean? 

If I’m engaged, what happens next?

Are there different types of visas? 

What’s the process and how long does it take? 

In some situations, some couples might be looking to divorce before the visa process is finished. So what happens then?

These questions are common but don’t always have clear cut answers. 

That’s why I invited my guest and dear friend Karen Williams to the show. Karen is an immigration attorney with Portner and Shure and her practice focuses exclusively on U.S. immigration and nationality law. Karen has a unique experience, too, as she’s originally from Canada. Through her own immigration challenges, Karen moved into a career in immigration law to help those with challenging immigration issues.  

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • What the process looks like if you, a U.S. citizen, meet someone in another country and want to marry and bring them to the United States
  • Who the 90-day fiance visas are for and the process for obtaining one
  • What to do when a marriage goes bad in the middle of an immigration case or shortly thereafter
  • Misconceptions about immigration and family law

Learn more about Karen Williams:

Learn more about Tracey:

  • Tracey Coates – Homepage 
  • Instagram: @iamtraceycoates
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