The Challenges of Dating as a Successful Professional Black Woman with Dr. Khaleah Bradshaw

Is your success keeping you from finding someone to share your life with? Professionally, the future is bright—but what about personally? What about a life partner? What about a family? 

Black women who are achieving massive success in their professional lives—advanced degrees and dream jobs—are finding that men, and Black men in particular, are intimidated by their success. 

So why are some Black womens’ dating lives being impacted by attaining higher education and success? 

Today on the show, Dr. Kahleah Bradshaw is going to shed light on the dating challenges that successful and professional Black women experience. Dr. Bradshaw is a graduate of Cal State Dominguez, where she received her bachelors and masters degree and, more recently, her PhD.

Her dissertation, Dollaz + Sense: The True Cost of Education for Black Women, explored the experiences of single black educated women with an advanced degree who felt that their romantic lives or their dating lives had been impacted by their higher education attainment. 

Dr. Bradshaw has worked in higher education for nine years and is passionate about Black history, women’s issues, and works hard to emphasize the overall need for literacy and education for Black people. 

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • Dr. Bradshaw’s take on the true impact of education on Black women
  • The impact higher education and career advancement has on some relationships
  • Why she is most concerned about the economic implications of Black women not marrying in the U.S.  
  • All about Dr. Bradshaw’s qualitative study, Dollaz + Sense: The True Cost of Education for Black Women

Learn more about Dr. Khaleah Bradshaw:

Learn more about Tracey:

  • Instagram: @iamtraceycoates
  • For a chance to win a three-month subscription to my brand new monthly subscription box, Time 4 Mom, please head over to This monthly subscription box is carefully curated to give moms permission to prioritize self-care, encourage personal growth, and enjoy a little me-time

The Bottom Line of Alimony with Carlos Lastra

Alimony—am I getting it or do I have to pay it? 

Questions about alimony are what I hear most often from my clients. There are a lot of questions and confusion—rightfully so—as to how alimony is calculated and how long it’s going to last. And, naturally, they are most concerned with how much they are going to receive or are going to have to pay to their ex-spouse. 

That answer varies depending on where you are in the country, but on a very basic and universal level, some of the factors that the courts typically include in its decision are:

  • age and length of the marriage
  • the needs of the recipient spouse
  • the payor’s spouse’s ability to pay

In today’s episode, I’m going to talk all about alimony with one of my law partners, Carlos Lastra. Carlos and I are co-chairs of our firm’s Family Law practice as well as members of the Litigation practice group. 

Carlos has represented clients in all aspects of family law—from complex high net worth divorces, with closely held businesses and property spanning multiple jurisdictions including foreign countries, to highly sensitive divorces including hidden assets.  

Carlos is a highly accomplished trial lawyer who has been honored throughout his career with numerous awards and distinctions, including Legal Elite – Washington’s Top Attorneys, SmartCEO Magazine, top “Divorce Attorney” by Washingtonian and Bethesda Magazine, as well as Family Law Practitioner of the Year. 

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • The difference between the two types of alimony
  • The process in determining what alimony is going to be including amount and length of time
  • The most common reasons why alimony is terminated, plus evidence that can lead to terminating alimony
  • Why cohabitating—with a romantic partner and even a platonic roommate—post-divorce can impact receiving alimony
  • How digital forensics can play a role in terminating alimony 

Learn more about Carlos Lastra:

Resources mentioned in this episode

Learn more about Tracey:

  • Instagram: @iamtraceycoates
  • For a chance to win a three-month subscription to my brand new monthly subscription box, Time 4 Mom, please head over to This monthly subscription box is carefully curated to give moms permission to prioritize self-care, encourage personal growth, and enjoy a little me-time

A Compassionate and Strategic Approach to Divorce Law with Helene Taylor

When you’re going through a divorce, you can feel an array of emotions from anger to self-doubt to uncertainty in any given day. Life as you know it is about to change and you’re afraid of what it will look like after the divorce. 

Common questions for those going through the divorce process include: how much time will I get to spend with my kids? Will I have a roof over my head? How am I going to support myself and my kids on my own? 

These are big questions and are not always easy to find straight answers for. It’s especially difficult through the ups and downs during the divorce process. 

What we know for sure is that divorce is life-changing for everyone involved. 

So how can you find more confidence and peace through the process? What can you do to mitigate the unknown, the anger, and the self-doubt to induce more clear thinking, calm, and confidence: mindfulness. 

Today’s guest, Helene Taylor uses mindfulness techniques as well as a compassionate strategy to support her clients through the divorce process. Helene is a California legal strategist and mediator who helps people negotiate complicated separation and divorce agreements. Helene is licensed as an attorney in California and Hawaii. During her 26 years of complex family law trial practice, Helene has helped thousands of people resolve complicated issues.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • How Helene’s process of working with her clients results in less cases going to trial
  • What role mindfulness and meditation can play during divorce 
  • The moment Helene was moved to use a different approach in her practice 
  • And how important it is to find support and connection with people going through the same experience

Learn more about Helene Taylor:

Learn more about Tracey:

  • Instagram: @iamtraceycoates
  • For a chance to win a three-month subscription to my brand new monthly subscription box, Time 4 Mom, please head over to This monthly subscription box is carefully curated to give moms permission to prioritize self-care, encourage personal growth, and enjoy a little me-time

Navigating Marriage and Immigration Law with Karen Williams

What does happily ever after look like for couples when one person is an American citizen and the other is not? And what does the process look like to even get married—whether in the United States or somewhere else in the world? 

When it comes to marriage and immigration into the United States, it’s not so clear cut. 

If you’re in this scenario—either as a U.S. citizen or an immigrant—you might have a number of questions like:

What does having a green card mean? 

If I’m engaged, what happens next?

Are there different types of visas? 

What’s the process and how long does it take? 

In some situations, some couples might be looking to divorce before the visa process is finished. So what happens then?

These questions are common but don’t always have clear cut answers. 

That’s why I invited my guest and dear friend Karen Williams to the show. Karen is an immigration attorney with Portner and Shure and her practice focuses exclusively on U.S. immigration and nationality law. Karen has a unique experience, too, as she’s originally from Canada. Through her own immigration challenges, Karen moved into a career in immigration law to help those with challenging immigration issues.  

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • What the process looks like if you, a U.S. citizen, meet someone in another country and want to marry and bring them to the United States
  • Who the 90-day fiance visas are for and the process for obtaining one
  • What to do when a marriage goes bad in the middle of an immigration case or shortly thereafter
  • Misconceptions about immigration and family law

Learn more about Karen Williams:

Learn more about Tracey:

  • Tracey Coates – Homepage 
  • Instagram: @iamtraceycoates
  • For a chance to win a three-month subscription to my brand new monthly subscription box, Time 4 Mom, please head over to This monthly subscription box is carefully curated to give moms permission to prioritize self-care, encourage personal growth, and enjoy a little me-time.

Taking Control of Your Dating Life with Matchmakers Jaime Bernstein & Callie Harris

Do you remember that old school dating rule that you had to wait three days before reaching back out to someone you were interested in after your first date? 

It went something like this: a call or text on the first day… too eager. Contact after 2 days seems planned. Naturally, the third day is the optimal time to reconnect if you want to see your date again. 

Right? Well, not so much anymore. Dating has evolved since the three-day rule was the norm. With online dating and the ease of swiping left or right in a dating app, there’s no time to wait—and, truthfully, why would you? 

The demands of day-to-day life, a career, and kids fill most people’s days. So if there’s someone you want to get to know better, why make them wait days to find out more? 

Today, I’m talking with Jaime Bernstein and Callie Harris, founders of the Three Day Rule Washington D.C. office. Three Day Rule is a luxury, high touch matchmaking company that offers customized and personalized matchmaking services. Together, Jaime and Callie have helped thousands of people find meaningful relationships, engagements, and marriages. 

Both Jamie and Callie have had frequent television and radio appearances including Good Morning Washington, Good Day DC, Great Day DC, Fab Fit Fun, NPR, and in Washingtonian Magazine. 

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • Why a sense of humor is one of the most important elements of matchmaking
  • How to determine what is ideal—and not ideal—about a potential date and where you can compromise when putting yourself into the dating scene
  • Why your future might look different from your past—and how to shift your mindset to new possibilities 

Learn more about Jaime and Callie:

Learn more about Tracey:

A Journey of Self-Discovery and Purpose with Charlese Latham

As the saying goes, it’s not always about the destination but the journey to get there. 

One of my passions is discovering those big or small things that influence a couple’s relationship—propelling it forward or stopping it dead in its tracks. 

So often we think—especially when we’re in the thick of things—that it’s too late to change course or that the change is too hard so we don’t even give it a try. 

For couples that are struggling but have committed to forever, red flags might feel like just another challenge to work through—just another part of the journey. 

But what happens when red flags are clues that things aren’t working and that they might never work? 

My guest today, Charlese Latham, experienced red flags from year one in her marriage. And, finally, after 15 years, she left her marriage and started down a new path to self-discovery and purpose. 

In this episode, Charlese shares her story from when she met her now ex-husband to when she decided it was time to leave the relationship.  

After twenty years in the beauty industry, Charlese retired from hair, sold her home, and moved in with family to recover after an emergency back surgery. Charlese is now the CEO and Copywriter at Girl at the Yellow Desk where she helps female coaches launch new programs by creating content for their email marketing and social media. 

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • How Charlese was finally able to extricate herself from a relationship that was no longer serving her spirit in a healthy way
  • The red flags Charlese noticed starting in year one of her 15-year marriage
  • The moment she realized a divorce might be the answer

Learn more about Charlese:

Learn more about Tracey: